『CEWOR Artificial Eucalyptus Wreath フロントドア用人工ユーカリリース20インチ Founderがお届け 当店は最高な』はヤフオクでから12月17日 15時 25分に出品され01月06日 15時 25分に終了予定です。即決価格は4,306円に設定されています。現在60件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。沖縄県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
人気のアメリカ輸入商品なら弊社にお任せ!!アメリカ発! お家周りの装飾品をおしゃれにグレードアップ。
Cewor is committed to creating an artificial plant decoration brand that meets the different needs of customers. Although we are still relatively small, we will continue to develop products that meet or exceed your expectations to make your home beautiful and warm. ?Size: unfold the eucalyptus wreath fully, the inner diameter is about 25cm/10in; the outer diameter is about 50cm/20in. ?Material: the blade is made of high quality silk and contains iron wire, so you can adjust its shape freely. The whole wreath is handmade and very delicate. ?Notes: to prevent the wreath from being damaged during transportation, it has been tightened. You can expand it as needed for the best look after receiving it.
This lush eucalyptus leaves wreath is suitable for every season. You can decorate your home with them. They can hang in the living room, the bedroom. Dense leaves will make the garland look more vivid and make your home more attractive. The shape is simple and elegant, the color is soft and comfortable, and the two shapes of leaves and white berries are matched to make the layers more distinct. You can hang them on the door, you dont have to take care of them, they can stay beautiful all the time Tired of the same style? Then do it yourself to modify the shape of the garland! You can match it with other decorations, such as bows, snowflakes, boards, flowers, etc. you can create your own garlands as you like. They will be unique and the process will be very interesting! Tips: 1. In order to prevent damage during transportation, the branches and leaves of the wreath are manually folded and placed in a carton for transportation. In order to achieve the best use effect, please arrange and unfold it yourself after receiving the goods; 2. The size marked on our page is the maximum size fully unfolded, you can DIY to achieve the best experience.
重さ: 9.6 ounces
おおよそのサイズ: 11.57 x 11.54 x 2.8 inches
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60 入札履歴