?AT LAST MO LAPENG marks the Trans-Kalahari Quintets second sensational release with Ansonica Records. Matt Dacso, Andrew Chinganga, Zakes Gwaze, Lekofi Sejeso, and Arthur "Makhwenkwe" Mengwe bring the ensemble to unbelievable new heights on this album, with funky afro-jazz recordings and spectacular percussive features that are sure to please the ear. From the jubilant Ka-Ching, featuring Chinganga on the alto sax, to the sultry tenor sax line on It Takes Two, the keyboard and guitar solos on this album are sure to lure you to the dance floor. Or maybe youre due for a little TLC, a cool groove that just might convince you to sit back and relax before Tobesta Tobesta gets you back on your feet. The TKQ closes the album with Hands Off, a percussive cadence with a certain vitality that will have you starting the album all over again! But no matter where you start, AT LAST MO LAPENG invigorates with bright and familiar tunes that signify the TKQs long journey home may just be beginning.
発売日: 2023/6/23
レーベル: Ansonica Records
コメント:?AT LAST MO LAPENG marks the Trans-Kalahari Quintets second sensational release with Ansonica Records. Matt Dacso, Andrew Chinganga, Zakes Gwaze, Lekofi Sejeso, and Arthur "Makhwenkwe" Mengwe bring the ensemble to unbelievable new heights on this album, with funky afro-jazz recordings and spectacular percussive features that are sure to please the ear. From the jubilant Ka-Ching, featuring Chinganga on the alto sax, to the sultry tenor sax line on It Takes Two, the keyboard and guitar solos on this album are sure to lure you to the dance floor. Or maybe youre due for a little TLC, a cool groove that just might convince you to sit back and relax before Tobesta Tobesta gets you back on your feet. The TKQ closes the album with Hands Off, a percussive cadence with a certain vitality that will have you starting the album all over again! But no matter where you start, AT LAST MO LAPENG invigorates with bright and familiar tunes that signify the TKQs long journey home may just be beginning.
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